1. The name and legal status of the society or organization
    Name: Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics (TAMI)
    Founded in 1991, Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics is a non-profit organization in Taiwan, which is dedicated to research on medical informatics, improving the quality of medical information, and enhancing the international relations and communications in the medical informatics community.

2. TAMI has more than 600 voting members consisting of individuals, government agencies, universities, hospitals, and corporations.

See by-laws document (bylaw.pdf) for details.

3. TAMI has about 200 hours of activities annually. Some of the primary activities of the association include:
      (1) Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan (MIST) is Taiwan's most comprehensive annual conference on medical informatics, featuring three days of lectures and scientific papers, panels, and workshops.
      (2) Healthcare Chief Information Officer Summit (HCIO Summit) is a meeting in conjunction with a forum, focusing on specific topics related to IT applications within healthcare providers.
    The most recent research of TAMI includes: promotion on joint hospital networking in Taipei City, research on using electronic signature to legalize electronic medical records, and optimizing processes for the Health Smart Card.

TAMI hosted the Asia-Pacific Association for Medical Informatics (APAMI) conference, APAMI 2022, on Oct 14-16, 2022. About 400 people have participated in the conference from more than 15 countries. (https://apami2022.tw/)

Secretary general: Hsiu-An Lee
E-mail: billy72325@gmail.com
Secretary: Wan-Chen, Lan
E-mail: tami.office1991@gmail.com
Tel: 886-2-26007975
Fax: 886-2-26007975
Cell-phone: 886-975776769
Address: 11F., No.259, Sec. 2, Ren’ai Rd., Linkou Dist., New Taipei City 244, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

President: Ming-Chin Lin, PhD
Vice president, Taipei Municipal Wanfang Hospital (Managed by Taipei Medical University)
Email: arbiterski@gmail.com